In 2014, there were over 169,000 burglaries reported in the state of Texas. Those numbers are down over recent years, yet still of concern for homeowners all over the state. Fortunately, there are ways homeowners can deter and prevent burglaries.  Here are some home security tips you can follow to help prevent burglaries and break-ins in Midland TX and Odessa TX.

Home security tip #1 – Make your home look occupied.

Your home should never look unoccupied. If you are going out for the evening, leave a few lights on and turn on the TV or radio. If you are going on vacation, have mail and newspaper deliveries stopped. Use timers to turn lights on and off during the evening. An occupied home in Midland or Odessa is not a great burglary target.

Home security tip #2 – Lock all outside windows and doors.

Having a nice breeze come into the house is great. However, when you leave the home, or go to bed at night, you should close and lock all windows and outside doors. An open window or an unlocked door are just an invitation to someone who wants to break in.

Home security tip #3 – Keep the garage door shut and locked.

The garage is a common entry point for burglars. If your garage door is not shut or locked, the burglar can get inside and take all the time needed to break into the main part of the house. Plus, many Midland TX homeowners store valuable items like tools and lawnmowers in the garage. Why don’t you check out something like this residential garage door installation to make sure that you have the best and most reliable garage door out there.

Home security tip #4 – Add extra security measures for sliding glass doors.

Sliding glass door locks are flimsy and easy to break. There are special locks and bars that you can add to a sliding glass door that will make it more secure. Upgrading an older sliding glass door to one built to modern security standards is the best option.

Home security tip #5 – Store valuable items in a secured area.

Leaving your lawnmower or high-priced bicycle outside, unsecured, is just an invitation to thieves. Unless you are actively using a piece of valuable equipment, it should be stored in a secured area. Keep garages, sheds, and other storage areas secured with good locks.

Home security tip #6 – Have adequate outdoor lighting.

Burglars love dark corners. It offers them plenty of privacy to jimmy a door open or to pry a window up. Adding security lighting around the perimeter of your Odessa home is relatively inexpensive, but well worth the investment.

Home security tip #7 – Keep landscaping trimmed.

Like dark corners, overgrown shrubs and trees offer great hiding spots for burglars. A window tucked behind a big shrub is a great target for burglars. Trim the shrubs and trees to remove those hiding spots.

Home security tip #8 – Add a home alarm system and use it.

A home alarm system is a fantastic deterrent to burglars. It will bring law enforcement to the house quickly. Alarm systems with security cameras attached can capture burglar faces and show the crimes they committed, great for prosecutors. There are other types of alarms you can get as well, ones which aren’t just for when you are out of the house, but also when you are at home. Why not check out something like this panic alarm system if this is something that interests you. You could even buy a product from one of the best home security camera brands.

Home security tip #9 – Build a good relationship with your neighbors.

Your Midland and Odessa neighbors can be an extra set of eyes for securing your property when you are not at home. You don’t have to be best friends, but being friendly will make neighbors more likely to pay attention if something odd is going on at your home.

Home security tip #10 – See if local law enforcement can do a security check-up on your home.

Some law enforcement agencies offer free security check-ups on request. An officer will stop by your home and make recommendations on how you can better secure the property.

Taking steps to prevent burglaries will go a long way towards securing your home. Adding a home security system will help you go the rest of the way. If the burglar tries to break in, the alarm system will alert law enforcement and help them catch the criminal.

If you are considering adding a security system or a security camera to your home or business in Midland Texas or Odessa Texas, contact 1st Alarm of Midland Texas today. They are the best security alarm professionals in the region and have the expertise and technology to help you secure your premises at an affordable price.  They can help you with all of your security needs for your business and your home.  Call (432) 530-3535 today.  Request a Quote online or come by the office located at 8818 West Highway 80 near the airport in Midland Texas.